Says a friend of the family, “It’s been decided that Zarina and not Aditya will be accompanying Suraj to all the proceedings related to Suraj’s arrest and court hearings.The public image of Aditya as the protective father to the beleaguered boy was found to be damaging Suraj’s case.”
Hurt, shocked and numbed by the sudden arrest of his only son, Aditya has decided to completely withdraw from his son in public as he has been told by well-wishers and friends that his wild past and legally-challenged image are damaging Suraj’s prospects.
On Monday when Suraj was taken into custody, it was mom Zarina who accompanied her son to the police station. On Tuesday morning, it was Zarina who went to court for Suraj’s hearing.
Speaking while on her way to the court, the harried mother said, “Let Jiah’s mother say what she wants to. The truth will come out. I will say one thing. I am a mother too. And the mother of a daughter. I know the pain that Jiah’s mother is going through. But I also know my son. I know what he’s capable of, and not capable of. The behavior that I hear being attributed to him is not like my son at all.”
On Monday afternoon, the Pancholis were completely unprepared for Suraj’s arrest. When friends advised Suraj’s parents to get anticipatory bail for their son, they brushed off their concern arguing their son had done no wrong.
“Obviously, we didn’t anticipate how important it was for some people to make a villain out of Suraj.We know Suraj and let me tell you, he is the best son any mother can hope for. If I have another life I’d want Suraj as my son again,” Zarina declares emotionally.
Sighs the mother, “My prayers are with Jiah. I don’t think her soul would be at peace until all these controversies die down.”
Meanwhile, Aditya Pancholi finds it hard to deal with his son’s arrest. “He has stopped eating and he refuses to turn on the airconditioner . ‘How can I eat and sleep properly when my son, who has never seen the inside of a police station, is locked up?’" Aditya told a friend.
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