When Aditya Pancholi heard that his son would be denied bail for a while, he broke down and wept.
`Zarinaji has to look after one child, Aditya, while their son is in a crisis, ` says a family-friend.

A pall of gloom has descended on the Pancholis' residence. Aditya and Zarina Wahab were confident that their son Suraj, held for the suicide of Jiah Khan, would be granted bail on Friday.
This, however did not happen.
Says a friend of the couple, `Suraj and Aditya had prayed hard they they'd bring their son home on Friday. Now it seems he's unlikely to be released in the immedaite future.
The thought that boy would be spending time in Arthur Road jail along with hardened criminals is killing Aditya and Zarina. Suraj is unlikely to get any special privileges like a separate cell or home-made food. The prospect of seeing their son suffer in jail has hit the Pancholis hard. Aditya specially has taken it very badly. `

The friend says the image of the raging troubled star-son in the press is not quite what Suraj Pancholi is.
`The story about Suraj suffering from fits of rage is highly exaggerated. When Suraj gets angry he goes completely quiet. He works his way out of his hurt and anger from withim himself. Suraj is completely his mama's boy.
He has grown up with his grandmother, far away from his father. So Suraj has never been a witness to his father's wayward ways. This whole run-in with the law is totally unexpected. Suraj doesn't know what has hit him.
He is wounded and hurting. But he's also a strong chap. When he sees his parents he comforts them and assures them all would be well, rather than the parents comforting him, ` says the friend.

Aditya Pancholi maintains a calm facade. `Let my son stay in jail a little longer. It will make him tougher and wiser. He has done no wrong. So this experience can only make him strong. `
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