Kareena Kapoor’s ‘Talaash’ co-star Aamir Khan and Rani Mukherjee is going to celebrate Kareena Kapoor’s wedding to be held on October 16th. Since Kareena will miss the music launch of ‘Talaash’ due to her wedding, the team of ‘Talaash’ has decided to come up with a segment especially dedicated to Bebo.
A source close to the film’s unit reveals, “Aamir Khan has managed to keep one day aside for the event from his busy schedule of shooting for Dhoom 3 in Chicago. He will be coming for a day to attend the event. Unfortunately Kareena will be the only one who won’t be there. So, Aamir along with the producers Farhan Akhtar and Riteish Sidhwani have come up with an interesting idea. They have decided that since Kareena is an integral part of the film andwon’t be there they should have her there in some way. It’s an auspicious moment and a big celebratory time in Kareena’s life, so what better than raising a toast to her.”
The segment will be especially dedicated to Kareena where Aamir, Rani, Reema will say few words about Bebo celebrating her wedding. “Aamir, Rani Mukerji, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Reema Kagti...everybody say something about Kareena and their association with her. They will also pop a champagne bottle to celebrate her new life! It’s not surprising since they know Bebo pretty well. They have worked with her before. With the film releasing next month they simply couldn’t come up with any other dates to accommodate everyone,” the source adds.
During the music launch, the production house is also creating an ambiance of red light area to create special effect.
It is expected that Aamir Khan who has been shooting for ‘Dhoom 3’ in Chicago will take one day leave to attend Kareena’s reception.
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