Saif Ali Khan two children Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim are going to attend their father’s wedding to Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor. Kareena's father Randhir Kapoor confirmed their attendance, he said, "I think the children are coming and clothes are being made for them.''
The veteran actor added, "I've been asked by a lot of people why I gave permission to Kareena to marry Saif. I find this question quite silly. The two love each other.'' When told that people are voicing their concern perhaps because Saif is the father of two kids, Randhir said, "I have seen the children with Kareena. They are extremely comfortable and they like her very much.''
It is also heard that Saif’s son Ibrahim will be wearing an achkan just like late Nawab Pataudi’s style. Saif wants Ibrahim and some of his friends style up like the Nawab. Designer Raghavendra Rathore was showed the video of his parents to get an idea so that he can design clothes on the similar line.
Says Rathore, "Saif recently showed me a video of his parents's wedding for the clothes we were creating and that's where the inspiration has come from. He wanted the clothes to look simple and straightforward and the entire styling to look the same. Therefore, we have chosen Banarasi brocade for the garments."
The clothes are going to be classy and match to the occasion and the venue where the wedding will take place. "The idea," says Rathore, "is to make them look nice and feel comfortable in the environment where the wedding is happening."
Saif and Kareena will tie the knot on October 16thfollowing a grand reception on October 18th in Delhi. Manish Malhotra is busy with Kareena’s wedding outfits and she will be wearing Sharmila Tagore wedding dress as per Pataudi’s tradition.
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