TV actor Rupali Ganguly who is currently playing the role of mother of three children in Sony’s popular serial ‘Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee Kuchh Meethi’ tied the knot today. Rupali who is a private person and keeps her personal life away from the media’s prying eyes got married very secretly. Only close ones attended her wedding. She got married to her long time NRI beau businessman Ashvin Verma.
"It is a very low key affair. The mehndi ceremony took place Tuesday night. Rupali is having a court marriage with businessman Ashvin Verma," a source told IANS.
The actress has taken a leave for small period for the marriage. Rupali is a well known TV actress and was seen playing Dr. Simran Chopra in Sanjivani and Monisha Sarabhai in Sarabhai VS Sarabhai. She also took part in the first season of reality show Bigg Boss in 2006 and in 2009 and also showed her dare devilry side in Fear Factor Khatron Ke Khiladi Level 2.
Rupali is a private person and only few people knew about her wedding and among them were his Parvarish co-stars Shweta Tiwari. A low-profile reception is planned on Wednesday evening in Versova.
Vishal Singh who plays her husband in ‘Parvarish’ will also attend her reception.
The actor tells a daily, “Rupali is being very eccentric about the wedding. Yes, I will go to her reception in the evening. I haven't met Ashwin yet. The other actors from Parvarish have met him at Rajesh Puri's dinner party once.”
Ashwin Verma and Rupali are dating for quite sometime. Ashwin is into ad films and corporate films making business.
Congratulations to Rupali and Ashwin!
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