Saturday 2 February 2013

The 'Rise of the Zombie'!

The `Rise of the Zombie`!

Gory pictures of zombies straight from the sets of Luke Kenny's upcoming film

If blood and gore are your thing, then surely these accompanying pictures won't gross you out. After all, Luke Kenny's directorial venture that is made in the zombie genre, is all about that! And in order to get the right impact, Luke hired the services of make-up artiste Ritu Janjani for doing the zombie make-up. And the results are for everyone to see!

Says Luke, `My co-director, Ritu and the other members of our team sat together and mapped out the look that we wanted. Since we're showing the gradual process, we didn't want to start out with the completely decayed, white-faced zombies. As the story progresses, the slow process of deterioration sets in.`

Depending on which stage of the zombie the character was in, the make-up would take anything between two to four hours to apply and approximately 45 minutes to remove.

Any Hollywood inspiration when it came to the final look of the zombies? `We have been watching zombie films forever and there is no set criteria to what a zombie should look like. There was no specific way really, we just went by what we thought looked good,` says Luke.

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