The next big project is going to be Karan Johar’s ‘Shuddhi’. The film is very much in news now-a-days for its casting and plot. The latest update about the movie is that Hrithik Roshan will soon begin the film shooting in the holy city Rishikesh. The film will be directed by Karan Mahotra of ‘Agneepath’ fame. The major part of the film will be shot in Rishikesh.
“Karan (Malhotra)’s wife Ekta has worked hard on the script. It’s going to be an engrossing and challenging film for everyone who is involved with it. Hrithik will start work on it immediately after wrapping up Siddharth Anand’s Bang Bang (that goes on the floors soon). If all goes according to plan, he might also travel to Rishikesh to shoot a portion of the movie,” says an insider close to the project. When contacted, producer Karan Johar confirms that Rishikesh has a vital role to play in the film. He says, “Ekta has been working on the script relentlessly for the past year. And both (Ekta and Karan) have researched it extensively and made several research-based trips to Rishikesh. That’s one of the prominent locations for Shuddhi.”
‘Shuddhi’ will go on floor after Hrithik completed his home production, ‘Krrish 3’which is slated to release this year Diwali. “Everyone in the Dharma Productions team is excited about it because the film puts Hrithik in a completely different space. No one is likely to talk about the film as yet, but it’s a different film from Dharma stable,” adds the insider.
Possibility is high that Kareena Kapoor
Kareena Kapoor
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