International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) will celebrate its ceremony for 2013 in Macao. This year has been specially devoted to 100 years of Indian cinema. Over the last 13 years, the ceremony has been held in UK, Middle East, America, South Asia and South East Asia. The tenth ceremony was held at Macao. This year, the ceremony is returning to Macao to celebrate 100 years of Indian cinema. It is going to be a three day gala celebration lasting from 4th to 6th July.
Abhishek Bachchan, friend of IIFA announced the destination saying, "IIFA is a pioneering initiative that opens new doors and creates myriad opportunities for the film industry, taking it to new shores each year. I experienced the IIFA celebrations at The Venetian Macao in 2009 and it was a spectacular 3 day celebration of Indian Cinema. We trust that IIFA will plan their celebrations this year befitting the 100 years of our industry." Bachchan is going to perform in the ceremony. This indicates that fences have been mended between the Bachchan family and the Academy. The Bachchans used to attend the ceremony regularly. But in 2010, Amitabh Bachchan did not attend the Awards ceremony in the middle of protests by the Tamil group. The current announcement by Abhishek comes as a nice surprise.
"I am ecstatic to hear the venue as Macau. This is the place where we celebrated our 10th year of IIFA and I am happy that it is going back to the same place where we will celebrate 100 years of cinema," said Abhishek. Asked whether the whole family will be attending, he said, "I am not sure whether the whole Bachchan clan will come this year but they have asked only me to perform."
The whole affair promises to be the height of glamour. Jacqueline Fernandez commented, "To be a part of the IIFA family is a feeling of great pride for anyone who is a part of the Indian Film Industry. IIFA has taken Indian Cinema on an unparalleled journey over the last 13 years and it's a proud moment to see the movement continuing to make impactful strides."
"We are delighted to announce Macau as our host destination after 2009. The grand ceremony will take place at the Venetian resort. We have travelled across four continents and 11 countries.
We are positive that this year will be more spectacular as we celebrate 100 years of cinema," said Sabbas Joseph, director of Wizcraft International Entertainment and IIFA.
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