Ace designer Manish Malhotra opted for young actors including Sidharth Malhotra, Esha Gupta and Jacqueline Fernandez who sashayed down the runway to showcase a collection titled 'Threads of Emotions' at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW).
All three grabbed the limelight when they walked in the best of attire designed by Malhotra. Sidharth received maximum cheers from the audience, especially girls who hooted his name from every corner.
"Esha, Jacqueline and Sidhartha are young, energetic and spirited and my collection is about these three things, " said Malhotra after the show when asked about why he opted for these three faces.
The designer paid an ode to Phulkari embroidery from Punjab through his collection.
"Last two years I promoted Kashmir thread and zari work and chikankari from Mijan, a small village in Uttar Pradesh. WIFW is just the beginning. The idea is to focus on craftsmanship and showcase it to various fashion weeks by roping in celebrities, thus making it more popular, " he said.
The collection consisted of saris, anarkalis, floor-length anarkalis and angarakhas. For men, there were bandhgalas and structured clothes. The fabrics used were georgette, net and raw silk.
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