It was going to be Dhanush Versus Dhanush at the Tamil Nadu boxoffice this Friday. Ambikapathy, the Tamil version Raanjhana was to compete with Dhanush's brand new original Tamil film Maryan, a thriller directed by Bharat Bala which stars Dhanush as a man on a journey of self-discovery.
This was the first time that there would have been three Dhanush releases in two weeks, with two of his Tamil films vying for eyeballs during the same Friday.
And Dhanush who is a very meticulous career planner, was not pleased
According to sources every effort was made to avert this clash.
`If you look at the history of the Tamil Nadu boxoffice no Tamil superstar from M G Ramachandran to Shivaji Ganesan to Kamal Haasan to Rajnikanth to Suriya to Vikram to Dhanush has ever released two of his films during the same Friday or even close to one another.
Dhanush tried his best to space his two Tamil releases out by at least a week. He would have preferred if Ambikapathy, the Tamil version of Raanjhanaa came a week earlier on the same Friday as Raanjhanaa. But Eros the producers of Raanjhanaa did not want the Hindi and Tamil versions of their film to come on the same Friday. `
But now the release Maryan has been postponed at the last minute.
Confirming this development Dhanush says, `Only the dubbed Tamil version of Raanjhanaa is releasing this Friday. It's God's will, I guess. `
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