The shooting of Rajkumar Hirani’s P.K is going on full swing in Belgium and we have spotted Anushka Sharma with a new hairdo on the movie set. She was chatting with the fans around on the street. She wore a printed short dress and a jacket. She chopped her hair and dons an altogether new look. The ‘Kai Po Che’ actor Sushant Singh Rajput was also seen on the film set. He too flew to Belgium to shoot his part.
Earlier there were reports of differences between Anushka and Sushant when the former commented about Sushant’s role in P.K. Anushka, in an interview had apparently stated, ""Sushant has only eight days of work (in Raj Kumar Hirani's Peekay). He is just a small chapter in my life."
Says a source present on the sets, “Initially there were some differences between them. When Anushka signed PK certain quotes were attributed to her (about the length of Sushant’s role) which upset him. He too, in turn, said things which hurt the actress. But seeing the two actors in Belgium, sharing jokes and fooling around on the sets like two longtime buddies, it was clear that they have put that episode behind them. They always pulled each other’s leg, had lunch together and seemed like any two youngsters just having a good time at work.
They would have long conversations about films, fashion and food.” They are shooting for almost 15 hours a day. The shooting begins at 6.30 am and wrap up at 9.30 pm.
The weather in Burges was extremely unpredictable. One day it was sunny, the other day freezing, so exploring the place was out of the question. The source adds, “Anushka and Sushant were put up in service apartments which were equipped with kitchenettes. Anushka’s manager would shop for ingredients, the three would cook in one of the apartments and would have a quiet dinner, sharing the anecdotes from the day. The food was basic and simple like bread and eggs as they had a wake-up call at 5.30 am.”
Rajkumar Hirani's 'Peekay' stars Aamir Khan
Aamir Khan in a pivotal
role. The movie also features Sanjay Dutt in a cameo . Aamir is seen wearing a
lehenga- for 'Peekay'. The characters and the story of the film has been kept
under wraps so far.
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