Actor Ram Kapoor has decided to quit the famous serial on Sony Entertainment channel ‘Bade Achhe Lagte Hain’ due to his overloaded film offers. Ram who is working 16 to 18 hours for the TV show finds it hard to accommodate time for films and hence he has decided to quit the show. Ram Kapoor has informed Balaji Telefilms about the decisions and finding no other alternative they agreed.
Ram has played male lead in the show for about a year-and-a-half and he has become quite popular. His chemistry with Sakshi Talwar was highly appreciated.
An insider says, “Ram has spoken to Balaji (production house) and the channel (Sony). He told Ekta that he wants to quit as he has received some good film offers. Finding the time for his films and shooting for BALH was becoming very difficult for him.”
The news of Ram willing to quit BALH had been making headlines since September, the issue has been resolved recently. But now, with flooded film offers, he is finding difficult to manage his schedule. “Every month, he works on the show for 15 days, and then he dedicates 15 days for his films. And because he is in almost every frame of BALH, it’s even tougher. There have been times when the production unit has had to make do with close-up shots and body doubles, as he did not have time to shoot,” says a source.
To fulfill Ram’s demand, the makers have shot a special episode where he will be shot dead to save his wife Priya. This episode will be aired on Dec 4.
This year,, Ram was seen in supporting roles in films like Agent Vinod, Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu and Student Of The Year. His has under his arms films like Love U Mr Kalakaar, a Marathi film called Maaee, Mira Nair’s Midnight’s Children and Yashraj’s Mere Dad Ki Maruti.
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